Sony Head Plays Unreleased Soulslike game featured image

Sony Head Plays “Unreleased Souls-Like” Game

Shuhei Yoshida, Head of Independent Developer Initiative at Sony Interactive Entertainment recently took to twitter to announce what games he has been playing recently. The games included recent releases Horizon Forbidden West, Sifu, the free-to-play Genshin Impact, and two unspecified games – the last of which is an “unreleased Souls-like” game.

With its release just days away, it could be assumed that he was talking about the highly anticipated Elden Ring, but Yoshida clarified that this was not the case.

The tweet has sparked a lot of speculation as to what the fifth game could be, with even head of Playstation Studios Hermen Hulst chiming in on the conversation.

Given the popularity of the genre and how many souls-like games get released every year, it’s impossible to be sure exactly which game Yoshida is referring to, but that hasn’t stopped fans from speculating. A lot of games have been suggested, ranging from Stranger of Paradise to the remaster of Bloodborne which has been widely rumored for some time now – though some fans have pointed out this may be unlikely as Yoshida refers to the game as a “souls-like” and while Bloodborne isn’t a Souls game, it is still made by From Software.  It could be likely that Yoshida is referring to Salt and Sacrifice, the sequel to the popular 2D souls-like game Salt and Sanctuary that was released in 2016, or the upcoming Lies of P, a souls-like inspired by the story of Pinocchio.

Yoshida could also be referring to a number of different souls-likes coming to Playstation. Sony has also recently acquired Bluepoint Studios, the studio behind the highly praised remake of Demon’s Souls released on the PS5, so the chances of at least one souls-like game being developed by Sony is quite high, though it cannot be confirmed.

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