
Sony Is Refunding Anthem’s Owners

Sony Is Refunding Anthem’s Owners

Sony might be force to refund Anthem’s owners as there is a huge bug that forces the players to unplug the PS4 in order to be get it working again after a hard crash of the system.

This is a pretty bad deal for BioWare who will be now desperate to fix the game as soon as possible before losing all they user base.

Unfortunately, it seems if you want your cash back, you’re going to have to rely on getting a generous customer service representative. While it seems that plenty of customers have been successful, there are an equal number of disgruntled players who’ve had their request declined. This is just another reminder that the Japanese giant should get with the times and implement a proper refund policy, but seeing as how it’s still dallying on cross-play and PSN name changes, we won’t hold our breath.

According with reports on Reddit, some players are already getting a refund from Sony, which is something the Japanese giant has never done it on these scenarios. Fallout 76 it’s very broken and Bethesda had to even force players to cooperate with the fix of some glitches but not even that has pushed Sony to offer refunds.

Read the full article at – PushSquare.

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