PlayStation 5

Sony Opens Up Holiday Registration For PlayStation 5

The newest generation of consoles remains ever elusive for many gamers to get their hands on. Usually, consoles take a while to become readily available but thanks to the combination of Covid-19 pandemic, worldwide chip shortages, and rampant reselling the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S remain hard to find for some people even a year later. In light of these, Sony will be opening up a direct registry in order to hopefully make it easier for some people excited for a PlayStation 5 to get one.

This registry will require you to sign up through a PSN account, however, that is not the only criteria for people to be invited to sign up. With limited registrations, the FAQ for the page states they will also be picking people based on “previous interests and PlayStation activities.”

That being said, anybody can register for a chance to gain an invitation. Gamers interested in at least having a chance need only go here and register. Then, later on, Sony will mail out their invitations in November to players, allowing you to directly purchase a system from the company.

These invitations will not be limited to a specific version of the console, meaning if you do get invited you will have the option to choose a PlayStation 5 or a PlayStation 5 Digital when you go to make your purchase. There will however be a time limit in which you must purchase your system once the email has been sent. Once November rolls around, keep your eyes peeled on your email so you don’t miss your chance to snag a system.

That being said, systems have consistently come in stock throughout the year, though often only online and with limited stock. There are many different avenues to follow though might yield you a system even before this, regardless this might be a great way to try. Once November hits these are sure to be the hot ticket items everybody is trying to get.

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