Sony To Produce 18 Million PS5 Units in 2021

According to reports, Sony Interactive Entertainment is ramping up the production of new PS5 units in Asia.

DIGITIMES affirms that Sony is hoping to produce from 16.8-18 million units in 2021, this could be accomplished thanks to the additional capacity support from TSMC and backend services firms, according to anonymous industry sources.

A different news outlet is also reporting that Sony Interactive Entertainment is now shifting the majority of its Asian operations to Singapore. Apparently, some of the offices of the company spread in Asia are now being concentrated in the small Asian island. The main HQ of Sony Interactive Entertainment will remain in Japan

There are also reports of a new division is established, it will be led by PlayStation veteran Katsuhiko Murase, who is now taking the role of being head of Asia Business Operations.

The Asian market remains pivotal for the plans of Sony, especially when Nintendo outsold PlayStation and Xbox worldwide, mainly due to limited units being produced in 2020. For this reason, two main Asian markets have been divided, each with its own vision and marketing strategy.

Asia East, which will cover Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea. And, Asia West, covering Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philipines. Katsuhiko Murase, taking part in Asia East told Geek Culture what is his vision for its new venture:

“The new organization structure and set up of Asia hub in Singapore will be leading the Asia teams to continuously expand the PlayStation business with their extensive working experience and business knowledge … We have the confidence to further reinforce its business and operational strength to continue to spearhead and remain the leader in the constantly evolving business environment.”

Mustafa Yiğit, who previously was handed the job of leading PlayStation Turkey and being the Managing Director of Sony Entertainment Hong Kong will lead Asia West.

Murase and Yiğit lead operations in the new offices in Singapore, where they, along with Asia Marketing Communication Lead Jacqueline Chiu, and a 40-plus man team will attempt to make PS5 the best selling console in Asia.

Source: Geek CultureDigitimes

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