Red Dead Online Halloween artwork

Special Rewards Offered in Red Dead Online Halloween Event

Holiday events are a common theme in online gaming, and Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 is no exception. With its recent creepy update, Rockstar’s western-themed shooter implements a new game mode, bounty, masks, and shop items for players as Halloween approaches.

“Fear of the Dark,” the new game mode available until November 12, 2019, pits Hunters against Night Stalkers in RDR2’s Showdown Mode. Gamers playing as Night Stalkers enjoy starting out as the more powerful entities, preying on the Hunters—their objective being to either kill all the Hunters or survive until the game’s timer runs out. The Hunters, on the other hand, must kill all the Night Stalkers, and as they hunt their enemy, Hunters can pick up masks found throughout the game map to weaken the Night Stalkers and enhance their own weapons.

In addition to the new game mode, players can also earn triple the Gold and double the Red Dead Online cash until November 3, 2019.

Moreover, a new bounty comes with the update. Players have the opportunity to hunt Toby Winfield, who was caught embezzling public funds and was last seen around Thieves’ Landing. Gamers can also enjoy a 30% discount on items such as cleavers and tomahawks.

The Halloween update also gives players access to an exclusive mask based on their profession. For example, “Licensed Bounty Hunters will receive an exclusive variant of the Creature Mask.” All Halloween-exclusive masks will only be available until November 3, 2019 and can be claimed from Madam Nazar.

Players who connect their Social Club account with Twitch Prime will also receive the Bounty Hunter license for free and an extra 10% off the aforementioned melee weapon discounts.

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