Spaceship in Star Citizen

Star Citizen Alpha 3.7 Is Out Now for Backers

The world’s most expensive Kickstarter campaign is still in the works and the team behind it has a long way to deliver what they are prepared for. However, If you are one of the backers behind Star Citizien, you can have taste of what the game looks like in its Alpha 3.7 version as of today.

Announced via a new trailer, now all the backers are able to jump in new Star Citizen Alpha version with tons of improvements and fixes along with new gameplay features. In Alpha 3.7, you will get access to new weapons both for ship and on foot. Moreover, it adds ship rental kiosks and the ability to mine rocks while on foot. Finally, there will also be a new IFCS system in the game as well.

Going over the improvements and enhancements, Star Citizen 3.7 features updated character customization, along with some improvements in AI ship behavior and chat interface. Also, Cloud Imperium Games has applied minor changes on Flashlight projection and stamina usage.

In case of in-game content, Alpha 3.7 features a reworked version of Level 5 Crimestat mission, with some of the cities getting removed from deliveries temporarily. Here you can check out the new trailer for the new version of the game:

Star Citizen still needs more of a work to be published as a full game. It’s expected to get the first alpha mode for Squadron 42 in Q3 2020. However, the multiplayer universe of the game still needs more a lot of progression to reach the milestones that Cloud Imperium Games has drawn for backers.

Star Citizen is now only available for backers through its own launcher on PC.

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Source: DSOGaming

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