Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Won’t Feature Stealth Mechanics

After nearly 3 years from the day that Respawn Entertainment confirmed working on a Star Wars project, finally the studio announced its upcoming title during Star Wars Celebration at Chicago. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order received only a story trailer but it was exciting enough to make us more hyped for further details on story and specially gameplay, which is still being kept under wraps. Although we’ve seen some of gameplay mechanics like wall-running in the first trailer of the game, Stig Asmussen, director of this third person shooter title, shared more information on gameplay during his interview with IGN.

According to Asmussen, the game is not supposed to feature any stealth mechanics at all. Although being in the shoes of a Padawan who tries to hide himself from the Galactic Empire implies us to see some elements from stealth genre within the game, Asmussen thinks differently as he believes that stealth elements don’t fit into their purpose. He said:

I’ve heard that from a couple people and I can understand why, but no, stealth isn’t something that we’re featuring in the game. You can jump into a situation and negotiate the battle the way that you want. There’s a lot of choice in how you come across your enemies and take them down.

However, the director didn’t deny stealth at all, as he pointed out the possibility of doing some action without catching AI’s attention but he also emphasized that its not something the development team encourage players to do. He added:

You could potentially, if you wanted, sneak around and not get the AI’s attention. I guess that’s technically possible. It’s not something we’re openly encouraging. We want the player to have fun and the power fantasy of having a lightsaber and Force powers and stealth doesn’t really fit into that or this game.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be launching on November 15 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. If you’ve missed the announcement trailer, you better check it out below:


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