Starbreeze Studios Uncertain Future

Starbreeze Studios’ Future Currently In Financial Concern

After a quarterly financial report from Starbreeze Studios, it appears that the game developer doesn’t have high hopes for the future if things continue the way they have been. After a flurry of negative financial moves, including the dead on arrival state of Overkill’s The Walking Dead and the abandonment of the company’s CEO, things seem pretty bleak for the future of the studio.

As it stands, the current operation of Starbreeze won’t last throughout the next year, giving the studio very limited options for success. While the Payday series still brings in a bit of income for the studio, there’s not much else to lean on for the studio. The studio is also still set to publish the anticipated and long-overdue Psychonauts 2 from Double Fine Studios, and could see some support from the title once it expectedly releases later this year. They have also recently sold their publishing rights of the upcoming System Shock 3 title developed by OtherSide Entertainment, and is expected to see their initial investment of $7 million at some point after the game’s release.

New CEO, Mikael Nermark, finds himself in a tough situation as he’s stated that his main concern as of right now is to “secure financing for the company’s future operations.” There’s not much on the plate for Starbreeze as of this writing, that is, until they can get their financial affairs in order.

“Once this financing has been secured, we will be able to look ahead and present a more detailed strategy for the future.” – Mikael Nermark

Stay tuned for any updates on the state of Starbreeze Studios later in the year.

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Source: Game Informer

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