Stars in Shadow Releases on GoG Today With 40% Launch Discount

Stars in Shadow Releases on GoG Today With 40% Launch Discount

It was announced by Iceberg Interactive, the release of their turn-based 4X science fiction strategy game Stars in Shadow on renowned DRM-free distribution platform  Stars in Shadow enters the GOG Galaxy today, with an SRP of $24.99. To celebrate its arrival, the game will get a 40% discount until July 17.

Check out the launch trailer of Stars in Shadow, featuring some gameplay footage:

“Stars in Shadow is brimming with surprises, the biggest of which may be that it’s a two-man production: a deep 4X with a touch of retro to scratch our MOO itch, enough new ideas to keep it fun and modern, and attention to detail that ties everything together in a compelling and charming universe.” says Oleg Klapovsky, SVP of Business Development & Operations at GOG.  “Stars in Shadow is the kind of project we’re delighted to have in our catalog.”

“Stars in Shadow is a turn-based 4X strategy game and a vivid tribute to the genre classics. Compete with alien factions to explore and colonize nearby star systems, build fleets to defend against rivals, negotiate or conquer them. Win by unifying the galaxy, through diplomacy or force.


Ashdar Games is a small development studio based in British Columbia. Stars in Shadow will be its first title. The project is a collaboration between two avid strategy gamers, Sven Olsen and James (Jim) Francis, both of whom are excited to have a chance to create a game in the genre that they love.  Sven’s background is in academic computer graphics, while Jim is best known for his webcomic, Outsider.


Iceberg Interactive is an independent video game publisher founded in 2009 by an international group of games industry veterans and is located in Haarlem, The Netherlands. Staffed with avid gamers, Iceberg works closely with an international assembly of game developers, both midsize and indie. Garnering attention with acclaimed releases over recent years, including Killing Floor 2, Endless Space, Endless Legend, StarDrive 2 and Starpoint Gemini 2, the company has an exceptional line-up, including Oriental Empires, Starpoint Gemini Warlords, Conarium and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam – with further promising games in the pipeline.”

For more information on Stars in Shadow, visit its GoG page.

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