Back in December 4th Twich’s CEO Emmett Shear sent a short letter to creators in which he explain what changes will happen in the streaming platform and which consequences may enact if Europe’s Article 13 gets approved later this month.
The article 13 will hit creators on all platforms, YouTube creators will also be forced to change the way the create content, this article will impose heavy limitations of what a streamer may upload, this is said by Emmett Shear “content would be much more difficult to publish, including commentary, criticism, fan works, and parodies.”
The way Article 13 will work is like this:
Content creators will have to prove they own the content they will upload before starting a video, even content creators outside Europe will have to do this otherwise their channel will be blocked in EU region.
The biggest issue people have with Article 13 is that it punishes the individual platforms for users committing copyright infringement. Right now, if a Twitch streamer is violating copyright laws, they’re the ones held primarily responsible. If Article 13 goes all the way through, Twitch will be punished as well.
This is alarming, as with laws like this we might see a future in which a publisher lets say EA tells a streamer they own the rights of the image of the game, and reproduction of any part of the game it’s breaking some copyright law. Don’t you think this is crazy? Also blocking channels outside Europe is a thin line between copyrights laws and censorship.
The final vote in Europe is later this month, but it’s highly unlikely to be denied as the previous vote was 438 in favor and 226 against. How do you feel a European law affecting the whole world, don’t take it lightly and share your opinion in the comment section below and utilize the #SaveYourInternet
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