In what appears to be a perfect fit, Cuphead creators StudioMDHR would love to see their resilient little duo of drink containers enter the ring in Nintendo’s coveted Super Smash Bros. series.
Revealed in an interview with Game Informer, Cuphead co-creator Jared Moldenhauer gave a bit of insight on how badly he’d like to see Cuphead and Mugman taking on the likes of Mario, Link and…Ice Climbers.
“I’ve dreamed of Smash Bros(…)So basically if fans want it, I couldn’t see how Nintendo wouldn’t want the fans to get what they wanted. I think they would because they support their fans a lot .” – Moldenhaur
Jared expressed his love for Cuphead joining the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster with this quote while coyly sitting next to Nintendo’s manager of publisher and developer relations Kirk Scott during a group Nindies interview.
There’s already some solid foundation in the quickly growing relationship between Microsoft and Nintendo. With Xbox Live heading over to the Switch, and now Cuphead making its way over to the hybrid console, why wouldn’t Nintendo capitalize on what should be an obvious addition to their massive brawler series?
Cuphead is set to arrive on the Switch next month on April 18, 2019.
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Source: Game Informer
A teaser trailer was also released.
Add new gameplay changes.
New characters and Maps.
Will launch for some platforms first.