Yesterday we got a strange piece of news from the Suda51 & Swery 65 that they would officially be announcing today. Suda51 of course is known for the cult classic No More Heroes, and Swery 65 known for the other cult classic Deadly Premonition. Both games announced sequels to their respective games for 2020. What we didn’t see coming is that the duo are combining forces to create their own horror game. However, in perfect form, it couldn’t be in a more unorthodox way.
This is not going to be your stereotypical horror game with zombies, massive, blood, gore and the like. Suda51 and Swery 65 were making a food-themed, PlayStation VR game. Yes, I had to read that three times over as well. That game, however, was canceled and the two hopped on an IGN Japan stream yesterday to announce the news of their new horror game. Now to be honest this seemed more like a brainstorm session between two like-minded gaming developers. It sounds like during the live stream, Suda and Suehiro want the game to be simple and playable on platforms on Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, and mobile.
The name seems to be up in the air with the duo coming up with Hotel Barcelona as the title, but they eventually come to the conclusion that “Barcelona” could be replaced with South Africa, Tokyo, and other countries. The game should be set to an indie budget and it actually sounds like Devolver Digital (responsible for Hotline Miami and other great titles) would be publishing the game. The details of the game clearly aren’t set in stone and the planning process is continuing for this game, but these two coming together is a collaboration we need.
This game is going to be strange to say the least, but I’m excited. What do you think of an indie game from Suda51 and Swery 65? Let us know what you think and make sure to follow Gaming Instincts on Facebook and Twitter.
Source: IGN
A new trailer and starter guide was also released.
A new trailer was also released.
These changes include new assets.
A developer video was also released.
For the character Maelle.