Aiai from Super Monkey Ball

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD – Adds Sonic

With the next generation of consoles around the corner, some (myself included) believed that 2019 would be a slow year. We were all wrong, all types of games have been released this year, from original titles to independent titles. Ports like The Witcher to Nintendo Switch, remakes like Resident Evil 2 Remake and more have made this year another fantastic one for gamers. Speaking of remakes, one that has flown under the radar is SEGA’s Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD. The HD remake is set to release at the end of the month just before Halloween on October 29th. Last week SEGA gave us a demo for the game and while it’s short it also came with the announcement that the game would be adding a secret character to the roster. Today SEGA revealed that secret character in a trailer.

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD will include the SEGA mascot Sonic the Hedgehog. It won’t be in his modern form though it’ll be his Classic render as seen in Sonic Generations and Sonic Forces. The trailer (which you can watch below) teases new costumes for the six characters in the game and proceeds to say that you can unlock Sonic the Hedgehog as a hidden character. Coming in as the seventh character it looks like at the :28 mark we might be getting a Sonic inspired Super Monkey Ball stage.

Honestly, this was all needed to see to buy in, I genuinely was hoping that Sonic would be the hidden character. Coming at a cost of $40 I am hoping they add some more characters and stages to the game to add value. Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD releases October 29th on all platforms, including Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and Steam.

Let us know if you’ve played the demo and make sure to follow Gaming Instincts on Facebook & Twitter.

Source: SEGA

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