Switch Release Date for Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Revealed

THQ Nordic just announced the official release date for the recently announced Darksiders II: Deathintive Edition port to the Nintendo Switch. The sequel title follows up the release of the first Darksiders title which released on the hybrid console earlier this year in April.

Check out the Switch announcement trailer for the game below:

The Deathinitive Edition brings over plenty of new features to the original Darksiders II experience. All of the DLC from the game will be included with the release, details like loot distribution and graphic rendering has been tweaked, and various environmental and character graphics have been improved.

Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition is set to release on the Switch on September 26, 2019 both physically and digitally. While THQ has now brought over both Darksiders I and II to the Switch, as well as the spin-off Genesis slated for a Switch release, there’s no knowledge as of yet if there are any plans to bring over last year’s Darksiders III title.

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