Syberia 3 First Developer Diary and Gameplay Video

Syberia 3 First Developer Diary and Gameplay Video

Benoit Sokal, who has written the first two games in the series, will be creating the narrative for the new installment, while Elliot Grassiano, the founder of Microids, will head the creation of gameplay mechanics.

Benoit Sokal, the artistic director on the Syberia saga, says, “I’m very pleased to be creating another Kate Walker adventure and working with Anuman Interactive’s teams on the project. I created the first two episodes of Syberia with Elliot, so I’m also really happy to be able to create this new one with him and illustrate the evolution of Anuman as a significant player in the adventure games industry.”

Stephane Longeard, the general manager at Anuman Interactive, adds, “With its incredible feel and the sheer quality of the game, Syberia has carved out a special place for itself in gamers’ hearts. They are more than ever expecting the next instalment. Today, fans of the series and adventure games enthusiasts have at last been rewarded for the patience.”

Presumably, Kate Walker will return as the main character and the game will once again visit the frozen lands of Syberia, with some mammoths thrown in for good measure.

Check out the Videos:

Developer Diary


“We have been working for more than a year and a half on this ambitious title so that it meets the expectations of the passionate gamers of this adventure game. Seeing this unique universe imagined by Benoit Sokal take shape for the first time in full real-time 3D strongly increases the team’s motivation.”

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