Some game developers who really love System Shock series have gathered in a place and founded a studio called Nightdive. The team is currently working on System Shock 3 and a remake version for the original System Shock, but today, they officially announced that there’s another project on the way from the same franchise: System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition.
According to a tweet by Nightdive Studios earlier today, the team has started working on an improved version of System Shock 2 called Enhanced Edition, and fortunately, it will be coming soon.
Nightdive Studios is a kind of team that mostly works on making remakes or remasters for retro titles, and they are currently fully focused on System Shock series. Up until now, all the remakes and remasters that are being made by Nightdive for the franchise will be available only on PC and it seems the same goes for the Enhanced Edition of System Shock 2.
System Shock is a first-person horror action game that tells the story of people who trapped within a spaceship while a deadly plague is spreading all around the space.
As soon as we get new details on the game be sure that we will share it with you. Follow Gaming Instincts on Twitter to get latest news as soon as possible.
Announced on the official Blue Sky account.
A title update trailer was also released.
Announced in a game update video.