Battlefield Game Confirmed for 2021
Battlefield Game Confirmed for 2021
New Battlefield V Content Coming to PC and Consoles December 12
New Battlefield V Content Coming December 12.
Primal Newscast #29 – Overwatch 2 Announced, Diablo 4 & More
Here’s Primal Newscast #29
No New Battlefield Until Fiscal Year 2022
No new Battlefield until fiscal year 2022.
Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 2 Releasing On Jan 17th
Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 2 Releasing On Jan 17th Battlefield V: Tides of War is releasing on January 17 for free, this new chapter brings new gameplay, experiences, battlefields, and game improvements. Chapter 1: Overture featured a lot of content from the brutal, mechanized Panzerstorm map to the single-player War Story, “The Last […]
Former Halo and Battlefield Developers Announced their Brand New IP Scavengers
Former Halo and Battlefield Developers Announced their Brand New IP Scavengers Midwinter Entertainment, a Studio comprised of former Halo and Battlefield Developers have announced their newest third Person shooter flagship game called Scavengers, in partnership with Improvable. Improbable will provide both project funding to support the making of Scavengers and assistance with technology to develop […]
Strategy game Syrian Warfare is now available on Steam!
Strategy game Syrian Warfare is now available on Steam! Syrian Warfare is a real time strategy with a high degree of realism. This game is not about a base construction or units production. The player will have to determine their forces characteristics before they go into action. And during the mission, they would be able […]
Battlefield 5 artwork leaked by Xbox One dashboard
Battlefield 5 artwork leaked by Xbox One dashboard A leak seems to reveal Battlefield 5 will in fact be called Battlefield 1, and that it will be released on 18 October. If the name is true, it suggests DICE is hitting the reset button on the franchise – which matches with the apparent historical setting. […]