Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition Coming to Next-Generation Consoles
Father against Son… against Uncle
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition Coming to Nintendo Switch in 2020
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition is coming to Nintendo Switch.
Capcom – To Revive ‘Dormant IPs’
Capcom to revive ‘dormant IP’
Capcom Release New Devil May Cry Trailer for Upcoming Switch Launch
Capcom is gearing up for the debut of Devil May Cry on a Nintendo platform with the release of the original title in the series being remastered for the Switch. To hype up fans and Nintendo players for the experience, the company has released a new trailer for the game for the upcoming title. Check […]
Devil May Cry Arriving on the Switch Next Week
Recently, Nintendo revealed that the classic action-adventure demon slaying Capcom title, Devil May Cry, will find its way over to the Switch. Fans of the series will have the opportunity to hack and slash their way through hordes of monsters on the go for the first time as the classic game will launch digitally next […]
New Final Fantasy VII Trailer + Ghost Recon Breakpoint Announced – Primal Newscast #7
Welcome to The Primal Newscast where Gaming Instincts goes over the hottest and most interesting news of the week that took place in the gaming industry. New Switch Titles Announced And Rumored This week was packed with a few new Switch announcements as well as a few likely rumors. First off, Capcom announced that […]
Capcom Announces Devil May Cry Heading Over To Switch
The Switch library is continuing to grow as another long-time favorite makes its way over to the Nintendo hardware. Capcom has recently announced via their Twitter page that the first run of the Devil May Cry series is launching on the Switch this coming summer. Relive the adventure that introduced the legendary Dante to the […]
Capcom terminates development projects at Capcom Vancouver
Capcom terminates development projects at Capcom Vancouver Today on September 18, Capcom announced that its Vancouver-based studio has had development terminated on an unknown project. Capcom also has announced that it expects to record losses of approximately 4.5 billion yen from the termination of untitled projects that were in development at Dead Rising studio Capcom Vancouver. Full Press […]
Dante Slashes His Way on to Monster Hunter: World
Dante Slashes His Way on to Monster Hunter: World Capcom recently revealed that everyone’s favorite demon slayer badass from the Devil May Cry series will make a much appreciated appearance in Monster Hunter: World. Dante will get to use his full demon slaying and gun-play abilities to hunt monsters, this means that Evony and Ivory […]
Top 10 Hack-and-Slash Games
Whether it be engrossing the player in a fantastical story or blowing players away with impressive landscapes, nearly all games boil down to gameplay. Gameplay is the essence of all games. If players aren’t having fun, then the game fails to entice the audience. Naturally, gameplay is not the only thing that matters when it […]