Grow Up Now Available on PS4, Xbox One and PC
Grow Up Now Available on PS4, Xbox One and PC Grow Home came out back in 2015 for PC and PS4, and let players manipulate the world around them to try to get B.U.D. back home. Now, Ubisoft is set to bring the third person 3D adventure game back, but with a sequel named Grow […]
Quantum Break coming to Steam and Retail on September 14
Quantum Break coming to Steam and Retail on September 14 Quantum Break will be made available to more gamers across a number of operating systems when it hits Steam next month. This digital download will include all of the latest updates, a list of which can be found on the game’s official site. Starting today, […]
GameSense Podcast EP2 – Sony VS MS E3 2016 + Scorpio and Zelda
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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Coming to Europe on Fall 2016
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Coming to Europe on Fall 2016 NIS America announced that The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II will come to Europe in Fall 2016 on PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®Vita as both a physical and digital release! XSEED will be publishing this RPG game in North America. […]
Yakuza 0 E3 2016 Trailer
Yakuza 0 E3 2016 Trailer The new Yakuza trailer shows off a bit of story but the main focus lies on the gameplay which looks rather smooth. Yakuza 0 is a prequel to the rest of the series and is set in 1988. For the first time, it tells the full story of how series […]
Fusion Wars Showcased at E3
Fusion Wars Showcased at E3 Estudiofuture presented during E3 its exciting new game Fusion Wars, being this the first time it was showcased to the press and media for the first time. They revealed an exclusive footage from the BETA version, showing the first gameplay video sequences of the game in its multiplayer co-op arcade mode, together […]
Farming Simulator 17 E3 Trailer Revealed
Farming Simulator 17 E3 Trailer Revealed It has been more than 3 years since the release of the hit simulation game from Giants Software, being a mainstay in the video game market. This huge community of players has been eagerly awaiting fresh news about Farming Simulator 17, which will launch simultaneously at the end of 2016 on […]
E3 Trailer Released for The Surge
E3 Trailer Released for The Surge Deck13 released an E3 trailer for The Surge, the newest sci-fi Action RPG set in the near-future, introducing the player to a dystopian world based on a worst case scenario for Earth. Slice and dismember your way deeper and deeper into CREO, an institution developed to save the world, but with disastrous […]
Robinson: The Journey – PlayStation VR
Robinson: The Journey – PlayStation VR In a surprise move by both Sony and Crytek, it’s been announced that the forthcoming built-for-VR title Robinson: The Journey is to be a PlayStation VR exclusive when it launches next year. The move is important for a couple of reasons, but primarily it demonstrates Sony’s commitment to making […]
Monster Hunter Generations Gameplay at E3 2016
Monster Hunter Generations Gameplay at E3 2016 Today at the Nintendo E3 2016 Livestream, a gameplay of Monster Hunter Generations with producers Ryozo Tsujimoto and Shintaro Kojima, where with Shigeru Miyamoto and Tristan were playing an arena mission against one of the new Monsters coming to Monster Hunter Generations, featuring both Hunter and Palico gameplay mechanics. […]