De-Void is Available Now
De-Void is Available Now It was announced by Kiss Ltd. and Pulsetense Games, that the highly anticipated De-Void is out today, 2 September 2016. The game is available to purchase on Steam and all other leading retailers of digitally downloaded PC games. Look out for launch week offers! Check out the launch trailer of De-Void, featuring a bit […]
Great Cascade, a Game Where Your Actions Matter
Great Cascade, a Game Where Your Actions Matter Seamount Games is a one-man game development company run by Brett Johnson. He is currently working on Great Cascade, which is now on a Steam Greenlight Campaing to deliver this interesting game, where your actions with the NPCs will alter their personalities and shape the events happening […]
Enter the Vast and Beautiful World of Valley
Enter the Vast and Beautiful World of Valley Blue Isle Studios is inviting intrepid explorers everywhere to a whole new experience in its upcoming game – Valley, coming Summer 2016 for PC, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft. Explore the vast and beautiful world of Valley […]
FATED: The Silent Oath Launches on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive in April
FATED: The Silent Oath Launches on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive in April Canadian independent developer Frima Studio announced that its Norse-themed Virtual Reality experience, FATED: The Silent Oath, will launch on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive on April 28th, then on PlayStation VR at launch. FATED takes players on one man’s quest to protect […]
PAMELA Open World Survival Horror Title Gameplay Trailer
PAMELA Open World Survival Horror Title Gameplay Trailer NVYVE Studios, the Mississauga Ontario based micro indie development studio, has been hard at work on its ambitious title known as P.A.M.E.L.A. The studio recently published a brand new trailer that shows some gameplay of its pre-alpha build. Powered by the Unity 5 engine, this game is […]
New Firewatch Trailer Quadrology By Campo Santo
New Firewatch Trailer Quadrology By Campo Santo The San Francisco based developer Campo Santo is on the verge of releasing its first person mystery adventure game Firewatch. This upcoming title takes place in the wilderness of Wyoming during 1989 and features a lonely lookout named Henry. The fascinating aspect of this game has to do […]