Gearbox Introduces Final New Vault Hunter FL4K in Trailer


The final of the four new Vault Hunters debuting in Gearbox Software’s upcoming looter-shooter, Borderlands 3, has officially been introduced via new trailer. The new Vault Hunter is FL4K, the animal taming AI and overall sniper master playable Vault Hunter for Borderlands 3. Check out the new FL4K trailer below: FL4K comes equipped with three […]

New Borderlands 3 Trailer Shows Off Vault Hunter Amara


Gearbox Software has released another new character trailer this time introducing the third new Vault Hunter, Amara. The new gun-toting badass is the newest Siren to hit the looter-shooter game with the trailer showing off her spectral skills and her faithful will of looking to get into a skirmish. Check out the new Amara trailer […]

GTA VI Leaked Locations + Epic Games Buys Psyonix – Primal Newscast #6

Primal Newscast GTA 6 Leak Epic Buys Psyonix

Welcome to The Primal Newscast where Gaming Instincts goes over the hottest and most interesting news of the week that took place in the gaming industry. Dreams First Update Next Month Media Molecule has been soaking in the feedback from Dreams Early Access users as they’ve officially announced the first big update to hit […]

A Look At Borderlands 3 Gameplay Reveal Footage

Borderlands 3 Gameplay Footage

After Gearbox Software officially unveiled their highly anticipated looter shooter title, Borderlands 3, along with an official release date and extensive look at the four new vault hunters to join the chaotic adventure, one more piece of the puzzle seems to be missing – gameplay footage. That all ended today as Gearbox was hot and […]

New Echocast Twitch Extension Allows Viewers To Scope Out Streamer’s Loot

Borderlands 3 New Twitch Extension

2K Games and Gearbox Software have unveiled their new Twitch extension which actually seems to accomplish a pretty impressive task for Borderlands 3 Twitch users. While future streamers of the iconic looter shooter are busy playing through the game, viewers will be able to sort through their loot without bombarding the streamer with questions about […]

Tiny Tina Returning In Borderlands 3 With Ashly Burch Reprising Her Role

Borderlands 3 Burch Returning as Tiny Tina

While news around Troy Baker not making a return to voice the Tell Tale created Borderlands character Rhys for the upcoming Borderlands 3 has many fans disappointed, some good has surfaced regarding another beloved character in the series. Voice Actress Ashly Burch will be making a return to the series as the mischievous, often volatile […]