Xbox Series X Games Won’t Be Gen Exclusive
Xbox Series X Games Won’t Be Gen Exclusive
Sea of Thieves Passes 10 Million Players
Sea of Thieves Passes 10 Million Players
Moon Studios is Possibly Making an ARPG Next
Moon Studios is Possibly Making an ARPG Next
Microsoft Studios It’s Now Called Xbox Game Studios
Microsoft Studios It’s Now Called Xbox Game Studios At today’s Inside Xbox the Vice President of Microsoft studios Matt Booty made the announcement that Microsoft Studios name was changing to Xbox Game Studios, he confirmed that the 13 studios that are owned by Xbox Game Studios will continue their current operations without changes or compromises. […]
Crackdown 3’s Wrecking Zone Multiplayer Downgrade ‘Not a Technical Constraint’
Crackdown 3’s Wrecking Zone Multiplayer Downgrade ‘Not a Technical Constraint’ The next issue of Xbox: The Official Magazine will have a Q&A with Joseph Staten, where he talks about some decisions taken by developers for Crackdown 3, speaking about Wrecking Zone, Staten feels like five versus five is the perfect balance for the kind of […]
Microsoft to Continue Acquiring Studios in the Near Future
Microsoft to Continue Acquiring Studios in the Near Future Microsoft Studios is on his way to becoming the largest and most important developer in the near future, it appears at Bill Gates is calling the shots here as Microsoft Studios is following the same formula that led Microsoft Corporation to have the most popular operative […]
Microsoft Studios To Acquire Multiple Studios on 2019
Microsoft Studios To Acquire Multiple Studios on 2019 Microsoft Studio has became a giant after the acquisition of several studios and this trend seems to continue for 2019. Alright. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Microsoft Studios growth isn’t done yet. They are in active talks with multiple studios – both big and […]
Microsoft Might Not Push Microtransactions on to AA studios
Microsoft Might Not Push Microtransactions on to AA studios Microsoft’s latest acquisitions are a mix of AA and AAA studios, But it appears as Microsoft Studios executives has made a clear distinction between AA and AAA titles as they are seeing AA titles as an crucial part of the industry, AA games help keeping fans […]
Crackdown 3 to Feature Two Player Co-op Only
Crackdown 3 to Feature Two Player Co-op Only The Xbox Store Page for Crackdown 3 has just been modified now it’s listed that it will only feature up to two player co-op. Crackdown 3 was originally announced to support four player co-op. Developed by Sumo Digital and published by Microsoft Studios Crackdown 3 is releasing on […]
Microsoft Studios Revealed Forza Horizon 4 PC Requirements
Microsoft Studios Revealed Forza Horizon 4 PC Requirements Set to release on October 2 as a play anywhere title, Microsoft Studios has just revealed the minimum system requirements to run Forza Horizon 4 for PC users, and from what it’s revealed a decent gaming PC will do just fine. Forza Horizon 4 will also be […]