Leaked: Mortal Kombat DLC Characters
Leaked: Mortal Kombat DLC Characters Dataminers has found a list of the upcoming fighters to be included in the Nintendo Switch version of Mortal Kombat XI as DLC, the list has found its way on to Reddit and according to rumors the list might be even bigger to later versions of the game. Shao Kahn’s […]
Frost Leaked For Mortal Kombat 11
The final character for NetherRealm Studio’s upcoming bloody brawler, Mortal Kombat 11, has been revealed – but not the way the studio was planning. Thanks to early copies being released (assuming for review purposes), images of the final unannounced character have been leaked – giving us Frost as the final fighter to round out the […]
Mortal Kombat 11 Requires Over 20GB On Switch
The latest in the bloody brawler Mortal Kombat series, Mortal Kombat 11, is surprisingly making an appearance on a Nintendo console for the first time since Armageddon released on the Wii all the way back in 2007. Nintendo is ready to greet the returning NetherRealm Studios franchise, but not with out some hefty storage space […]
Kitana Revealed In Mortal Kombat 11 Commercial Trailer
With NetherRealm Studio’s Mortal Kombat 11 set to release later this month, the team has resourcefully turned to TV commercials as apart of their marketing campaign. In a recently released commercial trailer for the title, a new, previously unconfirmed fighter has made her presence known in the upcoming brutal brawler – Kitana. The 10,000 year […]
State of Play: New Mortal Kombat 11 Trailer Unveiled
State of Play: New Mortal Kombat 11 Trailer Unveiled In today’s first edition of Sony’s State of Play stream NetherRealm revealed a new trailer for the highly anticipated bloody brawler Mortal Kombat 11. This time we got a glimpse of the “old skool” fighters and the design of the new ones. Following the trend of […]
Get Ready For The Mortal Kombat 11 Closed Beta With New Trailer
With the announcement last week that NetherRealm Studios would be taking to the closed beta circle with their upcoming Mortal Kombat 11, many fans are eager to jump into the action. Since the new game’s reveal at the Video Game Awards in 2018, Ed Boon and Co. have been teasing new character unveilings and glorious […]
Closed Beta Dates Announced For Mortal Kombat 11
The next iteration of the long running Mortal Kombat series is set to hit stores next month. But before then, NetherRealm Studios is looking to show off their upcoming bloody brawler in a closed beta which has been revealed to run at the end of March. Both PS4 and Xbox One pre-orders will give players […]
NetherRealm Studios Announces Jade for Mortal Kombat 11
NetherRealm Studios Announces Jade for Mortal Kombat 11 NetherRealm Studios has just revealed the next character to join Mortal Kombat 11, this time it’s one of the classic fighters from the series Jade. Originally envisioned as an evil Kitana, Jade grew to be a player’s favorite since her first appearance in Mortal Kombat 2 as […]
Kabal Joins The Roster of Mortal Kombat 11
Kabal Joins The Roster of Mortal Kombat 11 During today’s first Kombat’s Kast NetherRealm Studios confirmed Kabal will be available in Mortal Kombat at launch, the fans’ favorite character was created and designed by John Tobias for Mortal Kombat 3, now Kabal makes his returns with its characteristic weapons the meat hooks and his super […]
NetherRealm Co-Developing Mortal Kombat 11 for Switch
NetherRealm Co-Developing Mortal Kombat 11 for Switch NetherRealm Studios is working to bring Mortal Kombat 11 for the Nintendo Switch with developer Shiver Entertainment, this was confirmed by MK11 Producer Trevor Traub in an interview with Game Revolution where he vastly speak about a different subjects from similarities and differences from Injustice 2 and how which […]