Apex Legends: Why Is Everyone Crazy About The Recently Launched Battle Royale?
Why do people love Apex Legends?
Ubisoft Announces Season Pass For Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands
Ubisoft Announces Season Pass For Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Ubisoft has recently announced the post-launch plan for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands,it will include a post-launch free PvP update, and a season pass containing two major expansions, faction-themed equipment, an exclusive vehicle, permanent and single-use XP boosters and much more. Ubisoft announced that PvP […]
Sony Announces Kinetik Tactical RPG
Sony Announces Kinetik Tactical RPG Hero Machine Studios – a new independent studio whose co-founders previously worked on EverQuest, H1Z1, Planetside 2 andDC Universe Online – is excited to announce today KINETIK, a near-future cover-based tactical RPG shooter with advanced customizable AI drone companions. KINETIK also features rich co-op and competitive multiplayer modes and is being […]