Square Enix E3 2019: Remasters and New Releases Announced
Square Enix E3 2019: Remasters and New Releases announced Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered edition comes out on PS4, Switch, and mobile sometime in Winter 2019. “Since long ago, the dangerous gas miasma has threatened to consume the world. Crystals hold back the gas, but their power is not eternal. Follow the journey of four […]
PS5 Devkits Leaked Specs, Xbox Lack of Exclusives, BioWare Drama and Bonus Rounds – The Primal Podcast #2
PS5 Devkits Leaked Specs, Xbox Lack of Exclusives, BioWare Drama and Bonus Rounds – The Primal Podcast #2 The Primal Podcast is a weekly fun and analytical podcast that will focus on big weekly news, interesting articles, industry drama, predictions and all things video games. With E3 around the corner and the PlayStation 5 recent devkit leaks, […]
Dead Rising remasters are up on Xbox One store
Dead Rising remasters are up on Xbox One store A remastered version of the 2006 survival horror game Dead Rising will soon hit the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC platforms as part of an upcoming series revival, publisher Capcom confirmed. Capcom also revealed that Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of series sequel Dead Rising […]
Heavy Rain and Beyond 2 Souls Coming on March for PS4
Heavy Rain and Beyond 2 Souls Coming on March for PS4 Now is up to us to find the origami killer and escape the grasps of the CIA with Aiden once again, this time with even better visuals than before, which by the way, both games looked amazing back when they were released on PS3, […]