Detroit: Become Human PS4 Pro Enhancements and Technical Specifications Revealed
Detroit: Become Human PS4 Pro Enhancements and Technical Specifications Revealed At the Game Developers Conference 2018, Quantic Dream developers showed two presentations in which they detailed the technology used in Detroit: Become Human. During the panels, the studio also revealed the game’s PlayStation 4 Pro enhancements. Check out the “interview” videos of the 3 main characters […]
Detroit: Become Human Releases on May 25th
Detroit: Become Human Releases on May 25th Quantic Dream announced today that Detroit: Become Human has an official release date: on May 25th, players will finally have the chance to get their hands on Quantic Dream’s most ambitious title to date. Check out the announcement trailer of Detroit: Become Human, featuring some gameplay footage: “In a […]
Kickstarter Campaing Launched for SteamHammerVR
Kickstarter Campaing Launched for SteamHammerVR A Kickstarter campaing was launced by GamestormVR for their new game, SteamHammerVR, a beautifully designed, steampunk-themed, story-based, smash ’em up Virtual Reality gaming experience that has been approved on Steam Greenlight. The team currently plans to launch a demo of the game in July 2016. Check out the Kickstarter campaing video of SteamHammerVR, […]