New Details and Videos Released for Air Guitar Warrior
New Details and Videos Released for Air Guitar Warrior It was announced by Virtual Air Guitar Company, the release of new material and details for Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect, part music game and part scrolling shooter. In addition to rocking out and shooting bad guys while riding a dinosaur, viking ship or flaming meteor, players will […]
Boom Ball 2 is Coming to Xbox One on December 21, 2016
Boom Ball 2 is Coming to Xbox One on December 21, 2016 It was announced by Virtual Air Guitar Company, that Boom Ball 2 for Kinect will be released on December 21st, 2016 on Xbox One at a price of $9.99 / €9.99 / £7.99. Check out the trailer of Boom Ball 2 for Kinect, showcasing […]
Kung-Fu for Kinect Comes to Xbox One
Kung-Fu for Kinect Comes to Xbox One Full-body fighting adventure Kung-Fu for Kinect, will have a playable demo at Unite ‘16 Europe. Indie studio Virtual Air Guitar Company has announced their next Xbox One motion game, Kung-Fu for Kinect, will be released in June 2016. The game will be on display at the Unite ‘16 Europe conference […]