Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden Announced
You will not need the original to play it.
Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars Announced
Its all in the cards.
NieR: Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition Coming to PS4 and PC in February
NieR: Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition Coming to PS4 and PC in February It was announced today by Square Enix that the award-winning action RPG NieR: Automata is releasing its game of the year edition (NieR: Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition) for the Playstation 4 and on Steam for PC in February 26th, […]
NieR: Automata Director Yoko Taro Wants to See the Game on Nintendo Switch
NieR: Automata Director Yoko Taro Wants to See the Game on Nintendo Switch At E3 2018 it was confirmed that NieR: Automata would be coming to Xbox One, and during a live stream featuring director Yoko Taro, producer Yosuke Saito and designer Takahisa Taura, they were asked about a Switch port. It was a light-hearted interview and probably […]
NieR:Automata celebrate first anniversary
NieR:Automata celebrate first anniversary To celebrate the first anniversary of the critically acclaimed NieR:Automata, Game Director, YOKO TARO, has recorded a special message for those who have supported the post-apocalyptic action-RPG. Since the launch of the game on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and STEAM last year, NieR:Automata’s shipment and digital sales have exceeded two million units […]