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Telltale No Longer Developing Their Games Episodically

Now that Telltale is back, they are making plans to change up their formula, and the first way they are doing that is by no longer developing their games episodically. The games will still be episodic at this point, but they will be completely developed upon the first release. This is opposed to how they use to develop and episode, release it, then start developing the next one.

This info comes from an interview had with the CEO of the new Telltale, Jamie Ottilie. He doesn’t want Telltale 2.0 to go in the direction the first company did so he is making changes such as keeping a smaller team and developing the game completely before release in order to do this.

Ottilie has also said that the team is unsure if they will continue to release their games on an episode by episode basis. Since it will be completely finished before the first episode releases, they don’t need to wait months at a time before releasing the next one. If they want to keep releasing them separately though, they could wait a couple weeks instead of a couple months. This would also help it feel more like a TV show since their style is a good mix between TV and video games.

Regardless of what they decide to do, gamers should be ready for The Wolf Among Us 2 and other future releases to have a different feel than they used to. This is a different Telltale than the one that went under last year and Ottilie is trying to make sure that people know that. It will be interesting to see how much things will change by Wolf 2’s release next year.

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