The Council: Episode 2 ‘Hide and Seek’ is Out for Season Pass Owners
Big Bad Wolf and Focus Home Interactive released the first episode of their historically fueled episodic adventure game The Council back in March, and are now following up the first episode, The Mad Ones, two months later with Episode 2: Hide and Seek.
In the launch trailer, we get a first look at the dramatic accusations levied at Louis as he deals with the consequences of his actions. Some players will have to prove their innocence, while others will be the lead investigator into the crime itself – still others may have no murder to deal with at all. This is just one of the massive, diverging plots that players can look forward to throughout The Council’s coming episodes, which will develop further during this episode.
Episode 2: Hide and Seek continues the story of Louis de Richet as he deals with the dramatic results of his actions in the first episode. He must continue his investigation into the disappearance of his mother, while dealing with a newly-arrived Spanish head of state and the quickly-forming factions on Lord Mortimer’s island.
You can check out the launch trailer for Hide and Seek below. The first two episodes of The Council are currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One for Season Pass owners.
The trailer, which is posted below, features a brief recap from Episode 1: The Mad Ones before teasing the “dramatic accusations” that The Council protagonist Louis de Richet faces in Episode 2: Hide and Seek.
“Some players will have to prove their innocence, while others will be the lead investigator into the crime itself — still others may have no murder to deal with at all,” Big Bad Wolf said. “This is just one of the massive, diverging plots that players can look forward to throughout The Council’s coming episodes, which will develop further during Episode 2: Hide and Seek.”
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