Dauntless artwork

The Dauntless Holiday Event Has Arrived

Frostfall has returned to Dauntless for another holiday season. The event will bring back fan-favorite items from previous years like the “Let it Snowball” emote and the Frostfall Regalia Style Kit along with brand-new items that get shown off in the trailer. Players will also be able to earn some of the content from previous years through the new contract system.

The first one is the Light Kiss Contract and runs from December 17 through December 24. All players need to do is earn 500 Hunt Pass XP to complete it. Once they finish it, they can turn it into Arkan Drew for the “Frostfall Mistletoe Lantern” skin.

The Cap and Trade Contract is the shortest of the three and only runs from December 24 to December 26. There are no details on what needs to be done for this contract yet, but once it gets completed, players will receive the “Watch Cap” helmet skin Admiral Janek Zai.

Finally, the Seated Slayer Contract will run from December 26 through January 2 of the new year. The competition details for this contract are also unknown as of right now. Once they become known and players finish it, they will be able to turn it into Xelya the Farslayer and receive both the “Sit Cross-Legged” emote and the “Sit Back” emote.

For people who earned these items in last year’s Frostfall event, they will earn Platinum instead for completing these contracts. Also, once players claim these contracts, they will have until January 30 to complete them and turn them in for their rewards.

If all of this isn’t quite enough, go to the official Dauntless website to learn more about the Frostfall lore. If it is be sure to get in the game and start enjoying all that Frostfall has to offer.

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