The Division 2 artwork

The Division 2: Episode 3 Planned for February

The Division 2: Episode 3

is planned to release in February alongside a host of other new features and changes to the game.

‘Episode 3’ will be set on Coney Island and will be free for The Division 2 players. Unlike previous episodes, ‘Episode 3’ will not have a public test server, as no balance changes are being implemented with the release. Moreover, a faction from the first The Division game will return: The Cleaners. Two new main missions will be added, as well as two classified assignments. Gamers will also be able to get their hands on a new Specialization, which will be revealed later.

The expansion will also add a new Exotic SMG called the Kameleon. This weapon changes colors to match the user’s surroundings.

Gamers with the Year One Pass will automatically be granted access to the Classified Assignments and will instantly unlock the new Specialization.

After the launch of ‘Episode 3,’ The Division 2’s second raid—the Foundry—will also be released. The Foundry will be free for all The Division 2 players.

Furthermore, Ubisoft’s State of the Game livestream showcased a State of the Game Roadmap, listing the following dates and content planned for January:


  • State of the Game will look at incoming Item Stats RNG and UI quality-of-life changes.
  • These changes will be released after Episode 3.


  • Recalibration stat storing, Skill power refactorization, and Dark Zone quality-of-life changes.
  • These changes will be released after Episode 3, when they are ready


  • State of the Game will take a deep dive into Episode 3 to give players a clear look at what’s ahead.”

The Division 2

is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Fans with a UPLAY+ subscription can access and play the game at no extra charge.

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