Ellie getting attacked by an enemy in The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part 2 Might Be Showcased at the Next State of Play

According to a new rumor on Neogaf, the next State of Play will go live on November 1st. The new episode of live-stream will be longer than previous episodes bringing two new trailers for Death Stranding and The Last of Us Part 2. Unfortunately, 4Chan is the source for the rumor and that’s why we strongly suggest you to take it with a grain of salt.

Based on what 4Chan claims, the launch trailer for Death Stranding, a new footage from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and finally the release date for The Last of Us Part 2 all will be revealed at the next State of Play which goes live by the beginning of November.

When it comes to new details on Ghost of Tsushima, Sony’s another big project, 4Chan says it will be skipping the upcoming State of Play once again for further improvements on technical aspects including textures and framerates.

Aside from State of Play, there are some rumors on a new event from Sony to be held in February called PlayStation Meeting 2020, where Sony will officially provide new details on its upcoming console, PlayStation 5.

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