The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part 2 Voice Actor Finished Her Performance As “Favorite Character” of Druckmann

The Last of Us Part 2 is under development right now but nobody knows how far we are from the release date, except Sony and Naughty Dog. Anyway, at least we get to see new details on the development process of the game via Twitter, and this time Neil Druckmann, the man number one behind the game, has decided to hype us more for the game by revealing a mysterious bit of information on the game’s cast and their roles in The Last of Us Part 2.

During your daily Instagram-surfing course, you have probably seen Neil Druckmann’s new picture standing side to side with Laura Bailey, one of the voice actors in The Last of Us Part 2 who we don’t know yet will reprise which character within the game, but whomever she plays as, Druckmann called the character as “one of [his] favorite characters” that “came to life” with the help of Laura Bailey. Here is the post:

Before we see Laura Bailey’s photo during a motion capture session, her husband, Travis Willingham, along with the famous rapper, Logic, have been confirmed to have a role in upcoming sequel for the popular exclusive title of PlayStation.

Although these pictures doesn’t reveal too much of details on the game, at least it raises our hopes for finally getting this long-awaited sequel in 2019, before we have to travel to the next generation of consoles.

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