The Legend of Zelda The Missing Link

The Legend of Zelda The Missing Link a New Retro Experience Built With Ocarina Of Time’s Engine

The Legend of Zelda: The Missing Link 

is a new mod from the famous Kaze Emanuar, the new game offers a completely new adventure of Link built with the N64’s The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time‘s engine.

The game fills the gap between The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. The unofficial project reuses the assets of both games,  but the world, dungeons, story, and cutscenes are completely new. The new game also reportedly features a new item that allows the better implementation of a feature of the N64’s Zelda titles, according to Kotaku, “allows for some excellent puzzles.”

The project is unofficial, Nintendo’s lawyers are surely getting in contact with Kaze Emanuar over the legality of his project, using the assets of Nintendo’s games is forbidden under their copyright laws. Emanuar is not asking any money for his project, however, fans can donate money on his Patreon account for unrelated projects.

The Legend of Zelda® and Nintendo® are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America. The Missing Link is a derivative work based on The Legend of Zelda®: Ocarina of Time™ and is not licensed by Nintendo®.

Check the release trailer down below:

The Legend of Zelda: The Missing Link is currently working on PC through an N64 emulator,  a short tutorial on Kaze’s website explains how the game can be run:

Download one of the above patches, then use this website to apply it to your copy of The Legend of Zelda®: Ocarina of Time™. If the patcher does not display a green check mark (screenshot), DO NOT PROCEED!!! The .n64, .z64, or .wad file you provided is incompatible and will brick your Wii. Also, please note that if your rom is .n64, some Everdrives will not be able to run the game. To fix this, use this tool, and set the rom to “Big Endian.”

Source: The Legend of Zelda: The Missing Link

Source: Kotaku

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