The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series

The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series Announced; Coming in September

Later in 2018, video game industry encountered with the shocking news of Telltale’s closure due to financial issues. The developer and publisher behind great titles like The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us vanished in a blink of an eye. While most of the IPs buried with the death of the company, Skybound Games managed to save The Walking Dead series and develop the two ending episodes for Clementine’s journey. Now, the whole adventure of Clementine is available in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series which will be launched in September.

Announced through a trailer by Skybound Games, The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series includes all 4 seasons for Clementine’s story along with the chapters for The Walking Dead: Michonne in a single title. The game is set to be released on September 10 for PS4, Xbox One and PC via Epic Games Store. It will cost you $49.99 to own all entries of the series. Here you can check out the trailer:

The last episode for The Walking Dead: The Final Season released a few months ago and put an end to Clementine’s story that was started in 2012 with a ground-breaking debut.

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