THQ Nordic Gothic Remake Teaser artwork

THQ Nordic Releases Playable Teaser for Gothic Remake

THQ Nordic

has released a playable teaser for a potential Gothic Remake, and the company also answered a few questions regarding the remake in a short FAQ.

THQ Nordic Barcelona will be the company developing the project, and the developer is looking to grow their team. Those who are interested can find out more on the official THQ Nordic Barcelona website.

In addition, Piranha Bytes—the original developer behind the Gothic series—is not involved in the Gothic Remake. However, Piranha Bytes is working on a different project that will be announced in 2020.

Players who wish to participate in the playable teaser can play for two hours due to the game’s prototype stage. From THQ Nordic: “[The prototype was] done by a small team in Barcelona and we wanted to do an unusual approach and give this into the hands of players early. What you are going to play is all we have to show you at the moment.”

Moreover, THQ Nordic will only move forward with the full production of the Gothic Remake if the community demands it. In other words, having a high amount of participation in the playable teaser will be indicative of a public interest and could be a deciding factor in whether the company moves forward with production. THQ Barcelona will need to grow their development team and rebuild Gothic from scratch.

Regarding the Gothic Remake being a true remake versus a remaster, THQ Nordic had this to say: “We’d like to call it a remake. We are using a completely new tech (Unreal Engine 4) and so basically nothing but the story, the setting, the atmosphere, the music and the world of Gothic will remain. The whole tech, all graphics, the sound, different systems will be recreated according to modern high quality standards.”

Furthermore, anyone who owns any game from Piranha Bytes will get the Gothic Remake prototype for free. Players who do not own Gothic, Gothic 2, Gothic 3, Risen, Risen 2, Risen 3, or ELEX can purchase one of them now and acquire the Gothic Remake prototype at no additional cost.

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