It was announced today the release date of Tiger Knight: Empire War, available on October 24 its a massive multiplayer online tactical combat game , combining large scale, strategic MMO battles set in the historical era of the Han Dynasty, the Kushan Empire, the Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire.
There are two teams. 20-30 players in the group PVP in which each player can take up to 40 soldiers. Up to 32 players in the group PVP can’t take soldiers and recreate famous historical battles in co-op mode.
Players will battle up to 127 other combatants in third-person action on horseback and command teams of tiger knights in faction-based wars where leadership, skill and strategy mean the difference between defeat and glorious victory.
Tiger Knight: Empire War is developed by NetDragon and is published by Oasis Games in North America and Europe.
Check this official trailer down below:
“Tiger Knight: Empire War is set in an era of the Three Kingdoms, where a ruthless battle has erupted across the lands. The four factions are caught in a time of truceless warfare, where trust ceases to exist as they each seek to destroy the other and reign supreme. Created with Unreal 3, the game offers real 3D battle experiences based on scenes where Chinese cavalry thundered into combat during the third-century era of Three Kingdoms.
“Tiger Knight: Empire War brings to life the legendary battles of the Three Kingdoms, with a unique mix of intense combat and adrenaline-charged action with over 3000 hours of gameplay,” said Yuhui Wang, CEO at Oasis Games. Its faithful rendition of these epic moments in history will makeit a truly memorable experience.
In Tiger Knight: Empire War battle is in third person and players enter the battlefield by choosing to command a battalion or enter the fray alone to rise as the sole hero. A bevy of over 400 weapons and 400 armor types, along with 75 arm types allow players a multitude of customization options. The thrill of victory can be experience in numerous modes including PvP battles with up to 64 players on each side, kingdom battles and one-on-one matches. In faction wars, up to five players per faction will control 20 warriors each for battles with 100 tiger knights per side where communication, strategy and tactics are as important as individual performance and battlefield skill. Keeping true to the realism in Tiger Knight: Empire War, players also engage in mounted combat, relying on their horse to triumph over the enemy.”
For more info on Tiger Knights: Empire Wars check its Steam page.
Announced on Twitter.