Titanfall 2 ‘Become One’ Live Action Launch Trailer

Titanfall 2 ‘Become One’ Live Action Launch Trailer

Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts have celebrated the release with a neat CG launch trailer, that is clearly designed to get you ready and excited to jump into the game’s singleplayer and multiplayer FPS action.

The trailer emphasizes the close friendship between a pilot and their titan; a dynamic that is set to represent the meat and bones of the game’s singleplayer campaign. This story campaign is one of the sequel’s defining new features compared to the original Titanfall game, which focused solely on multiplayer.

Titanfall 2 hits the PC, Xbox One, and PS4 on October 28th.

Check out the Trailer:


“Unlike the original, Titanfall 2 features a fully offline single-player campaign and a multitude of multiplayer modes. As far as new additions, the biggest has to be the grappling hook, which works pretty well with the game’s already fast and fluid movement.

There are six Titans in multiplayer, and each has access to a set of abilities not available to the others. Titans are more like classes now, from the most agile Ronin and Northstar, to the heavy hitters Scorch and Legion. Attrition, the mode missing from the recent beta and one of the most popular in the original, will be available on day one.”

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