Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE – Nintendo Treehouse E3 2016

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE – Nintendo Treehouse E3 2016

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE crosses over two of the greatest RPGs from Japanese game designers Intelligent Systems and Atlus for a tale of youth and heroes guided by destiny.

A sinister force from another dimension has invaded modern-day Tokyo, resulting in a fantastical barrage of style, fashion, music and, of course, danger. So play to your strengths in high-energy turn-based battles, then fuse items to craft powerful weapons and crush your enemies. Around every corner you’ll find Fire Emblem references, original songs by Japanese entertainment giant Avex, dungeons themed after the entertainment industry and eye-catching music performances.

Check out the E3 Presentation:

“As well, gamers will also see revamped Shin Megami Tensei style turn-based battle system; where players will have to carefully analyze the weakness of enemies before each round of command for the sake of triggering massive “Session Attack” and kill the foes once and for all~

For the Fire Emblem fans, expect to see Chrom, Virion, and Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening, Caeda, Cain, Draug, and Navarre from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, and even Tiki as they are woven into the story with critical roles.”

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