The Last of US

Top 5 Things We Want From Last of Us Part 3

In the wake of the incredible success of the TV show and the standalone multiplayer game, Factions, on the Horizon, The Last of Us has become more popular than ever before. With its prevalence, I and probably many other fans have renewed excitement for The Last of Us Part 3. Naughty Dog’s Neil Druckmann has been pretty sly about its existence, saying the studio has picked their next game, but didn’t confirm what that game was. It could be The Last of Us or a new IP. Both options are intriguing, however, if it is The Last of Us Part 3, here are five things I would want from the third installment.

Spoiler Warning: We will spoil The Last of Us Part 2 ahead. You have been warned.

5. A Focus on Ellie

We might play as other characters, but the main plot should revolve around Ellie. She is the main character, the heart of the series, and without her, the plot would lack continuity. Instead of focusing on Joel flashbacks, or another character, Ellie should take center stage. We should watch her story unfold and eventually end satisfactorily. Practically speaking, I would like The Last of Us Part 3 to avoid overcomplicating several interwoven plot points about other characters. Keep the story focused on telling one story, like the first game. There was one goal to get Ellie to the Firefly camp. Simplify to one goal and focus on developing Ellie as a character. Additionally, Ellie’s relationship with most characters is strained. If a portion of the game centers around reconciliation with Jackson and Dina, that will set Ellie up for significant and dramatic growth.

4. Wider Levels to Explore

The Last of Us Part 2 had one open area where Ellie and Dina explored Seattle, discovering optional areas across the city. Each area had a distinct gameplay objective, collectibles to discover, and lore. For instance, you can find a lonely bank overgrown with greenery. You’ll find infected with body armor left over from a failed bank heist. Another explorable area is a church where you can learn more about Dina’s religious background. Unfortunately, this is the only example of a wider environment in the game. The rest follows Naughty Dog’s traditional linear approach. I would not want the next game to feature a fully open world. However, a few more of these wide levels would be an excellent way to diversify gameplay. From a storytelling perspective, they give specific storylines that build up the larger world. From a gameplay perspective, they allow players to encounter various enemies and even discover different weapons.

3. Infected types

The Last of Us

I always thought that the infected had unmet potential. Don’t get me wrong, what we have are some of the more impressive undead creatures in games. However, there is not much variation in infected types. The second game only introduced one new creature, the Shambler, who runs at you and sprays gaseous acids. While the enemy added another dimension to combat, I expected a little more from the infected front. There was the Rat King, who was a grotesque accumulation of infected, but he was a one-time boss. I want infected added to common combat encounters.

For intense, we saw a child clicker in the TV show, whose agility would add another obstacle to overcome. Another possibility from the TV show is the fungal network that connects all the infected, like a hive mind. This would add even more intensity to stealth, as one wrong step could unleash a horde of infected. Speaking of hordes, enemy variation doesn’t have to be solely based on enemy types, but also enemy quantity. A Day’s Gone type horde where hundreds of enemies run at you would be an intense spectacle that, hopefully, the PS5 or PS6 could handle.

2. Grown-up JJ

I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a time skip in Part 3, either at the beginning or mid-way through. If that is the case, I would be remiss if I didn’t meet JJ as a teenager. For those who don’t know, JJ is Jessie and Dina’s son. He was adopted by Ellie and Dina after Jessie’s untimely death. After the events of the first game, JJ will grow up with one mom, Dina, within Jackson’s protective walls. JJ will grow up without meeting his dad, or Ellie, who held him as a newborn. There is so much rich and sad potential as JJ mourns a dad he never met and meets Ellie for the first time. I actually wouldn’t mind some gameplay segments with JJ as well. Naughty Dog does not shy away from multiple playable characters and JJ seems like an appropriate candidate.

1. A Glimmer of Hope

It’s no secret that The Last of Us is marked by darkness and dread. It explores humanity’s depravity and breaks our main characters to the core. While the original game was about love, giving people a hint of joy from Joel and Ellie’s relationship, The Last of Us Part 2 was about hate and vengeance. It’s rare to see a happy moment not overshadowed by the dread of what lies ahead. Part 3 can keep its dark tone, but I want Ellie to have a happy ending. After everything she has been through, she deserves it. The next game could focus on Ellie trying to find meaning in her life beyond being a vaccine. Or it could highlight the sweet and growing relationship between Abby and Lev as they find respite in a FireFly camp. The journey will have hardships, but the ending should have a glimmer of hope. This is especially if Part 3 is the end of the series.

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