Dead By Daylight

Trans VA Calls Dead By Daylight Skin Transphobic and Quickly Backpedals

The latest Dead by Daylight DLC Chapter All Things Wicked, released on March 12. The DLC added the character The Unknown, a killer that uses its victims as skin suits to lure in more victims, along with imitating their voice. The killer also launched with an alternate skin that shows one of its victims, a high school cheerleader. However, this skin garnered some angry reactions from several people who deemed it transphobic, specifically because its voice actor Zoey Alexandria is notably trans. Alexandria took to Twitter to voice out her distaste for the skin.“They had no model design before I recorded my lines.” Said Alexandria. “So it’s my assumption that the design team took my medical history, and my ability to use multiple voices as an opportunity to create character models that encapsulate my medical history as trans, and capitalize on catering to the transphobic community. I was tricked into voicing a stereotype.” 

“I feel reparations  from the team that deliberately tricked me is the only logical next choice of action. I am so upset, so infuriated that people are comparing trans people to these clearly Transphobic character skins.”

“The company knew that making a stereotypical ‘man in a dress’ as a character and having a TRANS voice actress voice it, would bring lots of money and people back to the game.”

However, following her claims, Alexandria took to Twitter yesterday to outline her misunderstanding. She also notes how “a lack of communication” was the issue, and clarified that Dead By Daylight developer Behaviour Interactive is “NOT transphobic”.

“There has been a recent misunderstanding.” Said Alexandria. “Anybody that thinks the skins are going away is not in the loop. Behavior is allegedly aware of the mass transphobic remarks and memes being made, and the gaming community is not a reflection of the game developers. I wasn’t kept in the loop with what the characters final look would be, I was given an ambiguous description for the part, and even though I tried my best to find out more, continually asking for more info, that wasn’t possible. This is why I was upset. The skins themselves were never the issue. Lack of communication was. 

Please STOP “Boycotting” Behavior. They are NOT transphobic, it’s wrong to take bits of info and jump to your own conclusions. Behavior is a good company, and has been nothing but kind and supporting through this tough process of receiving mass harassment for my involvement in the character.”

The developer has yet to make any public comments on the ordeal.

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