Trials Rising

Trials Rising Sixty Six DLC Is Now Live

Vehicle based games always have their own community that enjoy what they are delivered to experience, but a vehicle based title doesn’t necessarily to be in racing genre, as developers use to do creative things with vehicles and for Trials Rising, while its not that surprising, but still offers something new among the available games. Performing crazy stunts with motorcycles is breath-taking enough to make you spent your free times riding a motor-cross on top of different obstacles over deadly heights, and the experience will go more insane with the addition of new expansion to Trials Rising.

According to the game’s Twitter account, Ubisoft has released the first DLC for Trials Rising as of late, in which you are going to do stunts through well-known Route 66. The new expansion includes more than 20 new tracks along with 2 new skills and an exclusive outfit for football fans. If you’ve done your missions through cold weather of mountains and high roofs of skyscrapers, now its time to visit desert and try your skills in Route 66. Here you can check out the trailer for it:

Trials Rising is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC, so if you got the game on your platform, the DLC is currently out.

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