Main character from Just Cause series

Try Out Some Hoverboarding in Just Cause 4 Danger Rising DLC

The third and final DLC for Just Cause 4 is about to become available later this month and it will be bringing a new traverse option for Rico Rodriguez to take down a full armed army around an appeared-out-of-nowhere submarine. The reveal trailer for Danger Rising DLC offers you some Hoverboarding around the coast.

Despite being the fourth installment in the series, Just Cause 4 still repeats the never-dying problems of the previous entries and Avalanche Studios doesn’t seem to have any intention in changing its visions on video game developing. Most of the issues in Rage 2 were similar to what we’ve seen last year in Just Cause 4 and it probably means the studio doesn’t like to value the amount of content in its projects. However, we were promised to get 3 DLCs for Just Cause 4 and the last one will be coming on August 29.

Everything in Danger Rising begins as a submarine emerges next to the coast, surrounded by heavily armed guards along with every military vehicle that you can imagine. But these things have never been scary for Rico. He has his own weapons to tear the submarine apart and send the enemies to hell for an eternal vacation. Here you can check out the reveal trailer for Danger Rising:

As the trailer shows-off, Hoverboard is going to be your funniest toy in Just Cause 4, thanks to its smooth movement and rich capabilities. You will be able to enjoy the Hoverboard through 8 new missions, while trying out new guns and vehicles against your enemies.

Danger Rising will be coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Previously, we’ve received Los Demonios and Dare Devils of Destruction as first two DLCs.

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