For Honor Year 3 Pass Artwork

Ubisoft Announces New For Honor Season and Hero Coming Soon


 has announced a new season and hero coming to For Honor on November 7, 2019.

Season 4, titled “Sun Da,” takes place “after the wreckage created by a massive sandstorm in the Wu Lin territories… Sun Da, leader of the Zhanhu, found new ways to use fire in his laboratory at Qiang Pass, Year 3 Season 4’s newest map.”

The map is set in a narrow pass nestled between two mountains (similar to that scene in the Dynasty Warriors series where Sun Jian is ambushed and is assaulted by a hail of arrows) called Qiang Pass. Battle will take place in a fortress erected in the valley, making skirmishes all the more brutal and tactical.

The season’s new hero, the Zhanhu, will be available to play as either a male (Sun Da) or female (Fu Huo). According to the press release, the Zhanhu are “dodge attack experts who rely on their mobility and wield a long, single-edged blade named Changdao. Also masters of artillery, they will be able to use brand new types of attacks and feats to burn the enemy and wreak havoc on the battlefield.”

Players with the Year 3 season pass will be given immediate access to the Zhanhu on November 7, 2019 while all other gamers can access the new hero on November 14, 2019 by purchasing them for 15,000 Steel (For Honor’s in-game currency).

The new For Honor season also comes with more hero balance and feats updates in patch 2.15.0.

Ubisoft UK also uploaded a trailer for the new season here, but at the time of writing, the video has not been made available in the United States.

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