Moze from Borderlands 3

Vault Hunter Moze Introduced in New Borderlands 3 Trailer

Gearbox Software is prepping future Vault Hunters by pulling back the curtains on their upcoming looter-shooter, Borderlands 3. While we received a look at the Operative Vault Hunter Zane earlier this week, the next introduction of the four new Vault Hunters gives fans a look at the Iron Bear mech summoning soldier, Moze.

Check out the new Moze introduction trailer below:

Each of the new Vault Hunter trailer so far has included some insightful back story to the new group of dangerous Vault Hunters. Moze looks to satisfy those players looking for the true-to-heart soldier experience who love causing mayhem in a more traditional sense. At least, as “traditional” as it can get in a Borderlands title.

Moze looks like she packs a punch as she’s paired nicely with her tank of a mech, Iron Bear. And not only does Moze utilize Iron Bear as a companion, but it also appears she’ll be able to enter and control the beastly machine, as well.

News also hit earlier today that Borderlands 3 has gone gold and is now completely finished and ready for release.

Borderlands 3 is set to release on September 13, 2019 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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