Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Vince Zampella Talks About Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and His Memories with the Series | Gaming Instincts

After developing three first-person shooter titles in a row, Respawn Entertainment is now experiencing a whole new thing with the development of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The third-person action-adventure title is going to be the biggest story-driven game of the series through the past years, through which the Battlefront series never made an eye-catching success.

Almost 6 years ago, Star Wars 1313 attempted to go through the path of Fallen Order, but unfortunately the game end up in nowhere due to its cancellation. A few years later, Visceral Games and Amy Hennig were developing a story-based Star Wars game but with the studio getting shut down by EA, another single-player title for Star Wars buried under the ground. Now, it’s time for Respawn and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to break the curse and bring what fans have been waiting for through all these years.

According to an interview with Vince Zampella, CEO at Respawn Entertainment, he is a big fan Star Wars series in the same lines as Stig Asmusen. During the interview he talks about the game and how the team has started to cultivate the project from the beginning. Zampella also hints on Titanfall 3 and the probable delay in its development, due to working on two big projects right now. Here you can watch the video for interview:

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