Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III Announced


Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III Announced

Details on Dawn of War III are thin on the ground—there’s no release date yet, not even a year—but Sega and Relic have dropped a CGI trailer, which shows Space Marines, Eldar, and Orks in the heat of battle. Sega promises that Dawn of War III will combine the large scale battles of Dawn of War with the in-depth customisation of Dawn of War II, although, without any gameplay footage, fans will have to take the publisher’s promises with a large pinch of salt.

While the Dawn of War III announcement comes as something of a surprise, particularly given the sheer length of time since the release of the last game, there have been hints that the game has been in development. In early 2015, Sega renewed its ownership of the dawnofwar3.com domain, which redirected to a blank website at the time. More recently, Relic released an update to Dawn of War II: Retribution’s Last Stand mode a full five years since its release which added the Necron Overlord as a playable character.

Check out the Trailer:


“Dawn of War 3’s campaign will feature each faction converging “when a catastrophic weapon is found on the mysterious world of Acheron” according to the official site. Through the narrative you’ll move from Space Marine, to Ork, to Eldar as each go about their business of trying to absolutely slaughter the others. As for the missions themselves, and how they’ll be connected, there’s less info on that out there right now.”

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