Watch Dogs 3

Watch Dogs 3 Will Be Revealed on May 24, According to Leaks

Ubisoft is taking over the headlines just ahead of E3 2019 with revealing its upcoming projects for this year and probably 2020 one after another. With Ghost Recon: Breakpoint getting fully announced recently, now there is speculation about Watch Dogs 3 to get revealed on May 24 with a brief teaser and some initial information on the game.

According to the sources of the leaks, with one of them being a former employee at Ubisoft who has worked on Watch Dogs 3, the game is definitely set in London, which we’ve heard of previously. Other than the location, rumors suggest that players are going to play as a female character named Sarah, who is a half-Asian and half-British woman in the game, though another source claims that players are going to choose the gender of their protagonist, like what we saw in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey.

Moreover, Sarah is part of an anti-terrorist organization that’s mostly focused on cyber security of the people. It hasn’t been clarified that what’s your role in the company and how the things will be going ahead for you in there. When it comes to gameplay, leaks offer the addition of skateboarding and graffitis to the game, while mentioning that there won’t be lethal weapons in the game, which might mean the hacking skills and abilities will be getting more evolved in gameplay.

Whether the rumors above turned out to be true or fake, you cannot take the announcement of Watch Dogs 3 in the near future with a grain of salt. It’s something that fans are really excited about it and Ubisoft seems to love the franchise, as it’s made progress in the second entry back in 2016.

We will update you on Watch Dogs 3 as soon as we get new details on it. Follow Gaming Instincts on Twitter if you want to get latest news faster.

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