Wish Studio

Wish Studios Announces Studio Closure

Wish Studios Announces Studio Closure

Indie developer Wish Studios, known for the PS4 title That’s You! and Knowledge is Power, today announced the imminent closure of the studio.  The studio said that they were “seeking a publishing deal for one of its two new projects, alongside a search for other funding opportunities”, but they didn’t have any luck so they just had to shut down its operations.

The founder and CEO Caspar Field shared the sad news in an official statement:

“We are deeply saddened at having to close Wish, after six-and-a-half years of making great games,” said Wish Studios CEO, Caspar Field, in a statement released today. “Our ethos was to put the team and their creativity at the heart of everything we did; having to say goodbye to those people has been an unbelievably difficult thing to do. It is truly heart-breaking.”

“We would like to thank the Wish team, past and present, for their incredible contributions, and hope that they’ll carry the best of what Wish was into their future careers. We’d also like to thank Sony for believing in the PlayLink concept, and, more than anything else, we’d like to thank all those who played and enjoyed our games – because that’s what it’s all about.”

Read the full article at – COGConnected

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